Week 8 - Basic Player Movement

This week I have implemented the following:

Main Menu:

- New Adventure button which takes the player into a new instance of Serpent's Paradise (remember that the currency Essence is permanent and will be saved after each adventure.

- Upgrade Tree button which navigates the player to a new menu showcasing the upgrades and buffs the player can purchase with Essence for gunner and samurai forms  (new yet made)

- Settings button allowing players to adjust the music and SFX volume (not yet made)

- Quit button that quits the game

- The main menu also has a custom sound theme which I produced myself in Ableton Live DAW software!

Game Level and Mechanics:

- left and right movement implemented through the use of A and D keys

- allowing the player to jump using the W key (may allow the player to change this in settings depending on player feedback)

- allowing the player to dash using left shift, which leaves a basic trial behind to add effect


Main Menu Screen.PNG 613 kB
Sep 08, 2023

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